Income Taxes
Over the years, we have prepared thousands of income tax returns for individuals, businesses, trusts and estates. Rest assured that your tax return will be prepared by a CPA using the latest software technology. We are also available year-round to assist whenever you need solid income tax advice.
Accounting Services
Many of our clients are small businesses. For these clients, our accounting service provides a cost-efficient alternative to hiring a full-time accountant. We typically help these clients make the proper journal entries to keep their financial statements in good order. We can also review your financial data with you to ensure that you are staying on top of your business. Our accounting service also ties well with income tax preparation. With good accounting records maintained throughout the year, we can plan together so that you pay the least possible amount of income tax.
Business Appraisals (Business Valuations)
What is your business worth? There are many reasons to seek the answer to this question. We have prepared business appraisals for a variety of circumstances. Please contact us if you wish to discuss how we can help.

About Our Firm
We are an accounting firm located in Aurora, IL with a strong reputation for high-quality service. Most of our clients are located in the western suburbs of Chicago, IL. However, we have clients all across the country as many of our clients choose to stay with us as they move about. The firm was founded in 1990. Since inception we have offered our clients: Income Tax Return Preparation, Accounting Services, Business Appraisals (Business Valuations).